Sentinel-2 Ship Sighting Product
The Sentinel-2 ship sighting product contains information on ships that have been captured by the Sentinel-2 sensors. With 10 m resolution on a number of bands, the Sentinel-2 data is sufficient to identify ships and even derive approximate information on their size and direction of travel. Small boats can also be detected through their wake.
The ship sighting products provide
- Sentinel-2 L2A (BOA + SCL) band data around a ship position
- A pixel list of pixels with a high probability of representing a ship
- Ship position and track data
The product is intended to be used for the training of statistical and deep learning models for the detection of ships in Sentinel-2 data. A large number of products can be provided both from past Sentinel-2 data and from recent Sentinel-2 products as they are made available by Copernicus data access systems.
More technical information and an example product can be found on the technical product information pages.
Data packages can be ordered by email via sales (at) petabite.eu